Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well, this is the first post on my blog, but incase you have not figured it out yet, I would rather be gaming. Not just video games mind you, board games and RPG's as well. Some people say that I am competitive, I say they are poor loosers!

Since I don't have a lot of time to write, I thought I would just share a financial tip to those interested.

When you are about to make a purchase, compare the price of the oject in question with the price of a video game. Are you about to buy a new jacket, thats 2 Xbox or PS3 games. New belt, a used DS game. Going to buy food for the week, 2 xbox or PS3 games. I find when you think of your purchases this way, you spend less on the frivolous stuff (IE clothes and food) and are able to get more of what matters in life... Just saying.


  1. Hey Mike, I'm doing the first iHCPL too, and I'm also a gamer, although I usually exclusively play MMoRPG'S. Currently, I have a lifetime sub to LoTRO 8-)

  2. The only thing close to an MMoRPG I have done is Runescape. I did this when I was a teen librarian. All the teens were jelous of my account as I was pretty darn powerful:)

    I generally avoind MMoRPG's as they would be like a drug to me. Some titles coming out for the PS3 sound interesting though. I might consider biting on those. (DC universe and the Agency)

    I did not know you could do lifetime subscriptions. That is the way to go!
