Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The website feedster appears to be dead so that site was of no help. I tried the Topix site you provided and I thought the layout was horrid. I won't be visiting that site again. I found the website syndic8.com to be as useful as a bellybutton lint. It was about as visually appealing as well. Technorati was much better looking than the other two. The main problem I had was that when searching for blogs, the results were brought up by title. I would rather see the title of the blog and homepage. But that is just me.

I found the website search4rss.com to be the best. Its hompage is simple and the reults are listed by blog/rss title and the website, just the way I like it! I mostly searched for gaming of course. I do already have the best ones saved already (kotaku.com / ign.com / n4g.com / destructoid.com).

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