Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Part 5. Here is the uploaded image from Fliker. I thought i would keep it gaming related. This was when I was running an RPG game through a forum. I would create maps so the players would follow that battles easier.

Part 6. I thought the colorpicker app at http://www.krazydad.com/colrpickr/ was interesting for a few seconds. Since I was doing this at work I had to deal with popup blockers.

I have seen the trading card maker at http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/deck.php before. and have used it already. The examples of the library created ones are kinds lame IMHO. The Conan the Librarian one had so much potential. The text makes no sense though. Although I will throw out a recommendation to see the movie Conan the Librarian came from. "UHF" was just awesome!!! (Wheel of Fish...lol:)

Part 7. I edited the photo of myself on Harriet using Picnik http://www.picnik.com/ already. I cropped out parts of the picture and changed the file size. Other parts were edited using Adobe by my awesome wife! I prefer not to post personal pictures though!!

As a side not, I a running out of daytime games I can play that I feel comfortable letting the kids watch me play. Guess its back to Littlebigplanet for a while...

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